The St. Roch parishioners have been enormously generous over the years, both in gifts to the parish and to the Archdiocese. Your generosity has been the core of our success...through Msgr. Polizzi’s careful stewardship we have achieved great success...Only active leadership and continued financial support will ensure our ongoing vitality.
— Parish Finance Council

One of the reasons why St. Roch Parish and School continues to grow stronger is because of the volunteer and financial support it receives from current parents, past parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends. There are so many ways to contribute to the continued vitality of St. Roch. 

online giving...coming soon

Make a donation online. Simply click on the donate button, fill out the form and hit submit. Funds will be securely transferred to St. Roch

Gifts of cash

Many donors find a personal check is the easiest way to make a gift. Donations are fully tax-deductible and make a significant impact on our well-being. Checks should be made payable to St. Roch and mailed to: 6052 Waterman Boulevard | St. Louis, MO 63112

make a stock donation

St. Roch is happy to accept stock gifts. Please contact your brokerage firm to find out what steps need to be taken. Typically, a transfer form needs to be completed with signatures from all responsible owners. 

matching gifts

Many generous St. Louis corporations have programs to match individual gifts to support and promote our institutions and our region. Specific details of your employer's program can be obtained through the Human Resources department at your workplace. 


Shop at participating local grocers and drug stores or dine out with eScrip Dining restaurants that give back! To register your eScrip card for St. Roch School go on line or call the number on the card. Our ID NUMBER IS 6611473.