Faith-Centered Education
We are dedicated to educating students of all faiths and backgrounds, challenging students to achieve personal and academic excellence.
On March 8, the Archdiocese announced the closing of St Roch School at the end of the current academic year.
When Monsignor Polizzi arrived here in 1981, St. Roch was at a crossroads. Through his strength, the Parish persevered. Today we are at another crossroads. While the School will not continue the next journey with us, the Parish, with our strength, will persevere once again. The Archdiocese’s decision regarding the School does not close the Parish. Our appeal of the Archbishop’s closure decree remains active and alive at the Vatican. It is important to continue supporting the Parish, financially and otherwise. Please make sure you continue your Sunday and other gifts.
Hear from our Alumni!
Hear how St Roch is special and prepares our kids for the next chapter of their lives
Class of 2023On how St Roch prepared her for high school
Class of 2023
What makes St Roch so special
We empower our students to become caring, global-minded and principled leaders rooted in our Catholic faith.
St. Roch admits students without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin. All students have access to all programs and activities.
We educate and care for the whole child, drawing on our diverse community, rigorous curriculum, and commitment to service.
In Their Own Words
“St. Roch School is unlike any other Catholic school in the diocese. Its academic reputation precedes it, and in the six years we have had children there, we have been most pleased with the academics. The community of parents and students at St. Roch is beautifully diverse, and this sets it apart from all other schools in the diocese.”
— Amy and Jerry, St Roch Parents
“The teachers really care, and I’m better prepared for high school than my friends at other schools.”
— Current Eight Grade Student
“St Roch is such a rewarding place to work. Parents, teachers and students all work together to help our kids excel!”
— St Roch Teacher
“St Roch is one of the top ranked schools in St. Louis City”
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